Wednesday 23 December 2020

Richard Montañez, how an Immigrant Janitor (cleaning toilets) without High school became Vice President of Multicultural Sales for PepsiCo America (the holding company of Frito-Lay) and inventor of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, Inspiring Intrepreneur & Rags to Riches Story

Dear Friends and Students

Today I received a message from one of my Friends Guru Sangameswar (Former Sr. Executive of Infosys) to share this amazing story, written by

I am not going to write in sentences as it occupies space and time. But if you read these words, you would appreciate it.

Grew up in California with father, mother, grandfather, 11 children, a one-bedroom labor camp. first-generation Mexican immigrant, an all-white school, cannot speak English. Dropped out of school, working in fields, washing cars, picking weeds, etc. 1976, a neighbor asked him to apply for a Janitor job in a company (Frito-Lay plant, the parent company of PepsiCo). Unable to read or write, the 18-year-old got a job. After selection, Grandfather said, “Make sure that floor shines, And let them know that a Montañez mopped it!”

Aimed for best Janitor and proved! Made room fresh all the time, believed in what he is supposed to be! During free times, he used to observe the plant, watching crunchy snacks! Once the CEO sent a video message to all 300000 employees “to act like an owner”. Inspired by this, Montañez started thinking like an owner. After 10 years working in this, out of curiosity, one day he asked the salesman to explain the sales process.

Once he saw a store where all plain stuff- Lay’s, Fritos, Ruffles, and next to them Mexican spices. He got an idea looking into this order. Why not make Frito-Lay spicy!!

One day he went to the production facility, took some plain Cheetos, and went home, added chili powder and other “secret” spices. He gave it to his family. Wow by the Family!! He got the eureka moment.

He thought I need to reach this to CEO directly!!! Intrapreneur needs that courage. Took the phone number from the directory. He rang. read the excerpt of the hustle story

“Mr. Enrico’s office. Who is this?”

“Richard Montañez.”

“What division are you with?”


“You’re the VP overseeing California?”

“No, I work at the Rancho Cucamonga plant.”

“Oh, so you’re the VP of operations?”

“No, I work inside the plant.”

“You’re the plant manager?”

“No. I’m the janitor.”

The Assistant gave the phone to the CEO. And CEO said, “Hello, this is Roger”. Asked for an appointment to explain the product. He said, give me a Business Pitch presentation after 2 weeks!!

26 years old, not able to read and write well. Wife helped. Copied 5 paragraphs from some book, he filled 100 plastic baggies with his homemade treats sealed them with a clothing iron, and manually drew a logo and design on each package!!!

Bought a $3 tie, stepped into the boardroom. First statement” “a janitor presenting to some of the most highly qualified executives in America”

At some point, one question: How much market share we can get it? No idea…..He OPENED ARMS and said THIS MUCH!!!

CEO said, we have an opportunity and Opened his ARMS and said this much. We will go with this..

1992, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos released. Became one of the most successful product launches in Frito-Lay history, a multi-billion-dollar snack today in the market

Over a 35-year career, the former janitor became vice president!!

Now teaches MBA classes at a nearby college! Someone asked do you have a Ph.D.? He said, Yes, I do have a Ph.D. I’ve been Poor, Hungry, and Determined- P H D.

Thank you the hustle for posting such an inspiring story!! Become Intrapreneur in your own organization! Money is the by-product! Montañez estimated net worth of $14.4 million!!

Don’t judge the book by its cover!! Ideas are costly! Ideas come from sweeper to senior executive!

Get inspired!

Your well-wisher

Ravi Saripalle

Join Inspire to Innovate Storytelling Movement (

Source Inspiration:

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