Thursday 6 October 2022

Plenty but Purposeless results Pathetic! Living in scarcity vs. Living in Abundance!! Read this perspective

Dear Friends and Students,

Couple of days back I received a LinkedIn message with the following picture and subtitle- “Doesn’t matter how many resources you have when you don’t know how to use them”. Initially I enjoyed the cartoon but when we see it deeply, it is teaching a great lesson.

A few years back I met a boy preparing for JEE. I saw a huge pile of JEE books on his table, Physics with 4/5 different authors, similarly maths and chemistry. In my enquiry, it is understood that he was also enrolled in a couple of online coaching/test preparation courses. I asked him every day what time do you come home? His honest response was 7PM in the night. How many hours do you get to refer to these books? His candid reply was at most 3 hours. He goes to college at 8AM, continuously hears from various teachers for 9 hours and comes back to home for little self-preparation.

Can you expect that student gets sufficient time to understand concepts, solve on his own, and prepare for tests? Absolutely no. What is he/she doing? They are just memorizing the sums! If a similar sum comes in the paper, they get 150+/300 during the weekend test; else, you can fill the answer! During our days, I used to have a good friend named Ravi Kumar. He used to hold only a couple of books- Mostly Telugu Academy. Once in a while, he used to go to Library for better concepts. He used to clear all our doubts. Without much financial support, he was able to crack entrance examinations. It is a natural process!

If you have one ladder, you ensure that you use it for the right purpose and in the right way! Abundance is not good for the students. In scarcity, your ideas get streamlined and implemented optimally. In abundance, you lose rationality. Mostly we will misuse them.

Living in scarcity but with a purpose is like a rice cake cooked directly with jackfruit leaves!

Living in Abundance without that purpose is like buying expensive cutlery (A golden plate with a fork, knife and spoon kept on it) but with no food!! You buy it to eat but you don’t eat it!

Students, don’t subscribe to too many resources for your goal. One goal at a time, and a few resources to master the skill to reach the goal. This is the only success mantra that helps you to win in your life!!

Ravi Saripalle

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