Monday 8 April 2024

What is the Best Gift an Institution and (or) Parent can offer to Student/Son/Daughter on a Birthday (12-24 Age group)?

Dear Institutional Leaders, Parents or Responsible Relatives or a Convinced Student

Over the past 14 years, I've been exploring a fundamental question: What is the most impactful gift an institution or parent can offer to a student, son, or daughter aged 12-24? Let's evaluate various options:

  • 1.    Something Sweet - Bring them joy for an hour!
  • 2.    Dinner at a Fine Restaurant - Delights them for a day!!
  • 3.    Movie of Favourite Star- Excites them for a week!!
  • 4.    A Stylish Outfit - Keeps them happy for 10 days!!!
  • 5.    A Luxurious Gift - Ensures happiness for a year, perhaps!!!!

But do any of these gifts connect to their natural intelligence?

Do they help identify individual strengths, guide in career planning, or create hope?

Is there a gift that AI can never replace?

Yes, I propose a potential game-changer:


ü Gift Form: A Simple Letter

ü Style: Epistolatory Format Letter (a letter written in the style of a personal correspondence)

ü Content:

o   A brief reflection on the individual's performance/status over the past year, highlighting their achievements.

o  A reminder of the individual's strengths based on their natural intelligence assessment.

o   An anecdote on Design Thinking or an Empathetic Situation, fostering a Design Mindset.

ü Impact: This gift can bring hope and happiness to the Individual for lifetime!

ü Super Impact: Organizing a Design Thinking workshop exclusively for the same intelligence and age group students to aid in career planning.

Do You agree? Do you have questions and comments? If you are interested, I am ready to assist you in this process.

Please read the detailed proposal at and write to me at

You can also follow me on:

Dr. Ravi Saripalle




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