Monday 4 April 2022

Is the World heading towards de-Globalization? What should be India's priority now? Why should India invest in GUIld and eGyanGana Social Projects Now? Please read this interesting perspective

Dear Students and Friends

Globalization & World Scenario

World War I ended the first era of Globalization! The time lag between World War I (1914–1918) and World War II (1939–1945) is about 20 years! However World War II proved costly with the usage of nuclear warfare! Countries across the globe realized this cost, the UN established, but small confrontations continued between Nations. Be it Congo war (African nations), Syria, Iraq, Afghan, the contemporary Ukraine and a few others. The cold war continues from 1945 to till date between many Nations.

Curiously I was going through the and checking the Trade share of global GDP in %, which pronounces the economic integration between Nations! Surprisingly, in 1970, it was 25%, 1980 (37%), 1990 (37%), 2000 (50%), 2008 (60.9%), 2020 (51%). It is consistently falling from 2008 to till date. Now after the Ukraine war, there is strong wind for further fall.

What should be India's Focus?

It means, whether we agree or disagree, more and more countries are worried about sovereignty and protecting their human and natural resources. This is the fact. In this hour of situation, what should be the focus of India? Of course, we need to strengthen our security, protect our National resources and increase our intra-consumption and GDP. Beyond this, we need to make a strategic move in building and branding our Human Resources.

Why were our traditional Learning systems strong?

Time immemorial Bharata Khanda has been helping the cause of Global Human Talent development. Now we are more confident and reposing trust on our Learning systems. We may not be able to make Global QS Rankings and Ivy league institutions but our foundation system is strong.

The blend of Science & Mathes, clubbed with a Middle class culture, backed by great family traditions and spiritual upbringing is proving to produce a matured talent. Our students are good at managing limited resources and produce optimal products. Probably we may not be able to produce great inventions and Noble laureates, but we are definitely good in making innovations and managing global talent. Today we are able to witness the same with Global CEOs of Indian origin and their mature way of handling global companies.

What is the Hurdle Now?

However, there is a catch here. The Indian schooling system till date was based on Guru-Shiksha Parampara (erstwhile in Gurukulas), later in modern schools through Traditional classroom or Home Tuitions or evening Tutorials. But today, Home tuitions are replaced with Digital Learning Tools. Guru is replaced with Technology. Learning Record is in the hands of Technology. 

Today an average student is attending multiple physical schools and multiple online learning courses, sometimes he/she changes the platform for each concept. As a result, there is no consolidation of digital learning records. There is no digital learning traceability. There is no digital learning footprint. We are losing our original trademark of great learning models. However, we cannot replace and go back to old models. That is also not possible.

This change looks simple today, appearing trivial, but in 10 years’ time, this learning process becomes chaotic with the fragmented learning records, scattered across multiple digital learning islands (kindergarten to primary school to secondary to University to online courses to online knowledge repositories). How does it impact. It leads to weak Recommender systems for students. Results into weak or fragile mentoring.  Leads to fragile skill investment strategy for Govts. Finally employment suffers and GDP impacts.

Earlier home tuition master /school teacher or someone like a family education mentor used to drive the individual in multiple dimensions and was managing User’s learning records / learning styles and making customizations, recommendations etc.

Proposal to Govt., Intellectuals, and Visionary of India

We need technology to solve this simple issue before it explodes and goes out of control. We are appealing to the Govt. of India, Corporates, Heads of Institutions, EduTech companies and Digital Universities and Schools.

Dr. Abhinav Dayal (, Self (Dr. Ravi Saripalle ( and a few other like minded people formed Volunteering Group and developed a technology roadmap and architecture to solve this cold but burning Learning Issue.

What is GUIld and eGyanGanga?

We proposed a concept called GULid (Global Unique Learner ID, similar to Aadhar for Digital Learning Record) to track every individual digital learning transaction from KG to PG and beyond till he/she learns online. We also proposed eGyanGanga, a Unified, Multi-Lingual, Open Knowledge & Learning Platform, seamlessly integrates the world of all online Learning platforms with GULid inbuilt (aggregator of user profile), and also provides a basic LMS for free and fair use for one who cannot afford digital learning.

We submitted proposals to the Hon'ble Prime Minister, Dept. of Science and Technology, and various Corporates to consider and support this social cause. This is going to be revolutionary in the digital learning space. We want to make it as open source, not for profit and free to use so that 1.3 billion learner's digital learning can be tracked, consolidated, right investments made based on recommendations, project them internationally and become a Global Talent Hub and Global Human Resources Pool.

Let's Rise Together! Please save our next generation digital Learning records. Please help us and volunteer! Let us together build these social learning platforms for Universal Learning cause!


Ravi Saripalle

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