Saturday 9 October 2021

Learning or Earning? What is more important in your Job? Diff is just 1 Letter but ...Read this Perspective!

Dear Friends and Students

Before reading the story, Let me take you through a simple python program! Don’t worry if you are not conversant with any prior programming knowledge! Learning Python is not complex. Just read it as storyline! Today everyone is computer literate! If you are reading this story, you are already!!

#Declare Your 2 words – Learn and Earn

MyWord1 = "Learn"

MyWord2 = "earn"

#Convert MyWord1 and MyWord2 as Sets using following command. You might have learnt set theory in your 7th class mathematics right?

#Essentially the following 2 python instructions converts "Learn" to {"L","E","A","R","N"} and Earn to {"E","A","R","N"}

first_set = set(MyWord1)

second_set = set(MyWord2)

# Find the difference between these 2 sets using python symmetric difference method

difference = first_set.symmetric_difference(second_set)

# print the difference using print command! You wrote a medium level python program! Yes true!


# Output comes as follows



The letter “L” makes all the difference. If the primary goal is to “Earn”, world need not become this complex. World wouldn’t have reached this level of sophistication. Many inventions and products are offshoots of people with learning attitude but not of people with earning attitude!

People with earning attitude can never make innovations or creative outputs. They take the existing creative work, simulate and monetize with their talent. However, it cannot be sustainable for a long. It lasts for some period and they get frustrated quickly.

Having said, learning alone cannot happen without earning! Both learning and earning are equally important, but without balance, the value of each diminishes.

One philosopher says, “The more you learn the more you earn”. Career development happens only with learning but by earning.

There was a famous question asked by someone, “Should we work to learn or work to earn?”! The popular answer was as follows

·     First, for a decade or two, learn, and do not worry about earning.

·     Then, for a decade or less, earn, using the previous learning.

·    Then, for the remaining decades, leave it to God, let God decide what is it for you? Don’t worry about both!!

I love this response!!

Students who are planning their career, Choose your option wisely! You can learn and earn at any time but you cannot earn time!!

Happy Learning, Enjoy Your Earnings. Earning need not be always your salary, assets and travel! Earning can come in the form of good sleep, hygiene food, healthy life, great association, live in nature and finally leave with nature!

Your Well-wisher

Ravi Saripalle

Join Inspire to Innovate Storytelling Movement (

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