Sunday 28 January 2024

Why Universities Should Prioritize Teacher-Mentors Over Traditional Teachers in Today's World?

Dear Friends and Students,

Recently, I received a question from an educator: Should institutions hire traditional teachers or teacher-mentors, especially considering technological advancements and the prevailing culture among the youth? The question may seem simple, but the answer requires deep thought. Traditional teachers are primarily responsible for imparting knowledge within a structured academic setting. However, Teacher-Mentors go beyond academic instruction; they provide guidance, support, and personal development, aiming for the overall growth and well-being of the mentee.

Yet, this leads to another intriguing question raised by the educator: Can Teacher-Mentors effectively serve a 1:20 ratio of mentors in a classroom setting today? This is a valid concern, and I couldn't provide an immediate answer. However, during a subsequent discussion with a family friend, a promising solution emerged.

Consider the analogy of Lord Krishna's guidance to Arjuna in the context of the Mahabharata. Out of 106 cousins (100 Kauravas, 5 Pandavas, 1 Karna), Lord Krishna chose Arjuna. This decision wasn't a reflection of others' qualifications but rather the result of multiple parameters set within this mentoring context. There was a profound spiritual connection between them, and Arjuna displayed unwavering faith and trust in Krishna's guidance. He readily accepted Krishna's teachings and advice, making him an ideal recipient for Krishna's divine knowledge and plans—an embodiment of wisdom and action.

Similarly, another story serves as an analogy for the Teacher-Mentor role. A group of children is playing near two railway tracks—one in use and the other non-operational. Most are playing on the operational track, while only one child plays on the non-operational track. Faced with a dilemma, the signal master must decide whether to change the train's course to the non-operational track, sacrificing the lone child, or let the train go on its way. The lone child made the right decision to play in a safe place, while the others, though aware of the danger, chose to play on the operational track. The signal master, after thoughtful consideration, decided to let the train go on its original track, thus protecting the genuine boy.

Universities should realize that with the advent of AI (or ANI - Artificial Narrow Intelligence) in its current form, it is capable of performing specific tasks. Scientists are gradually directing their efforts towards AGI (Artificial General Intelligence - similar to the capability of a human being) and ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence - beyond the capability of a human being).

In this scenario, students have numerous teaching resources at their disposal. Professors need not prepare all of them; they can leverage the assistance of AGI/ASI for any research needs at the university. As AI progresses, industry is likely to conduct more research than universities, given the resource-intensive nature of AI. Nevertheless, universities will always be a helping hand to the industry.

In this context, a knowledgeable teacher or an extraordinary researcher may not be the sole solution for university students. Could the role of a Teacher-Mentor be a great savior? This role entails a commitment to lifelong learning, inspiring students to embrace continuous self-improvement and adapt to a rapidly changing world.

Do you agree?

Ravi Saripalle

Thursday 11 January 2024

Innovate or Extinct: A Developer's Story in 2024 - Navigating the AI Tsunami and Reshaping the Future of Programming.

 Dear Friends and Students,

Welcome to my next story @ Inspire to Innovate Storytelling Movement.

Last week, Sails Software ( invited me as a guest for their Annual Day Celebrations, beautifully coined SAIL’RS NITE 2024. I was asked to talk on “AI and the Future of Programming,” as well as engage in discussions with its leaders on “The Role of Innovation and Collaboration in the Present Times.”

Sails Software is a growing mid-sized IT company with more than 180 employees. This organization has adopted various IT best practices, especially cultivating an impeccable delivery culture, an eye for detailing, and design thinking.

I worked with Wipro between 1998 to 2010, a different era in software development that I consider IT 2.0. However, now, the world of software development is becoming a thrilling space where innovation and collaboration together redefine the possibilities.

Interestingly, the line between "creator and consumer" is truly blurring, and who is going to replace who is completely unknown.

As a programmer, if you don't innovate, a domain specialist is going to shortly replace you as we are all heading towards the End of Programming.

2024 is all about AI Augmented Development (AIAD) (IT 3.0). AI Augmented Development refers to integrating AI tools and techniques throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC) to empower developers and enhance the development process. Similar to UX, it now brings DX - Developer Experience.

During 2024-26, it's not about replacing developers but providing intelligent assistants to developers.

Ultimately, whether it's IT 1.0, IT 2.0, or IT 3.0, the IT industry always works towards four important goals:

1.    Increased developer productivity.

2.    Improved software quality.

3.    Faster time to market.

4.    Enhanced innovation.

But going forward, there is a twist. The industry would ask you, "Are you AI Fluent" or "Are you an AI Expert?" If you don't belong to any of these two categories, it is a sign of extinction for you from the industry!

Let me narrate a hypothetical SDLC story. If you comply with this by at least 20% during 2024, you are relevant; otherwise, make yourself relevant.

My Story Begins!

I want to start a company. However, I don't have any HR or Tech Interviewers.

Tech/HR Interviews:

I approached, an AI-powered Metaverse Interview Platform, to complete the basic first Tech and HR rounds. These six avatars in three different accents (male & female) could manage and shortlist the final candidates!

Problem Study and Research Paper:

It used to take me 50 hours earlier to develop a research paper. However, now the team is using or and completing it in 5 hours!

Management Presentation:

The team used Decktopus AI and made a presentation in 1 hour! Management approved and asked them to convert it to a Specification.

Proposal & Requirements Specs:

The team formatted the proposal using or Grammarly in 2 hours, which used to take 2 days. They also collected more insights from various customer chats/conversations and emails using a tool named Chatfuel.


The team used Uizard, an AI-powered design tool, to build UI design - Wireframes to Mockups to Prototypes.


All my team members have Copilot accounts. Their coding productivity improved by 35-45%.

Code Review:

Surprisingly, DeepCode reviewed the code changes and provided instant feedback. It gave a 30% productivity boost!


The team used Parasoft Automated Unit Testing powered with AI.

Infra Provisioning:

Terraform Self-healing infrastructure is ready! AI is capable of automatically adjusting resource allocation and configuration based on application workload and real-time usage, bringing optimized resource utilization and cost savings!


My team is capable of CI/CD Pipeline using Jenkins.

Bug Tracking:

The team is already familiar with Jira, but my customers are adding bugs in their native language. Jira can understand Natural Language Processing.

Project Management:

An AI-powered Asana powers my PM!

Meanwhile, some team members started using Lowcode/Nocode platforms! They also began using Blockchain for decentralization.


It is a long story, but the crux is here. If you don't become AI literate, it will not give you time to adjust in this tsunami!

Why? Look at these numbers:

1.    Waterfall Model - 1970 to 2000 - 30 Years

2.    Agile – 2000-2015 - 15 Years

3.    DevOps - 2015-2020 - 5 Years

4.    DevSecOps - 2020-2023 - 3 Years

5.    MLOps - 2023-to date - Less than a Year

6.    Next Cycle - Every 6 Months!!!!!

The same thing happened to the Media Industry. The same cycles:

1.    Radio took 38 Years to reach the first 5 crore Listeners

2.    TV took 13 Years to reach the first 5 crore Viewers

3.    Internet took 4 Years to reach the first 5 crore users

4.    iPod took 3 years to reach the first crore users

5.    Facebook added 600,000 users per day itself!!

Can you imagine the time for a product to innovate?

What do you need to do?

AI has become Bhasmasura, a demon granted the power to burn up and immediately turn into ashes anyone whose head he touched with his hand. The asura was tricked by Vishnu's only female avatar, the enchantress Mohini, to turn himself into ashes.

Now, if you, as a developer, don't take up the Mohini Developer Avatar, you will be smashed by your AI creation.

Do you agree?

Ravi Saripalle